
Isaac Opoku Badu is an African artist born and raised in The name. He started drawing and painting in a very tender age through his parents who regarded art very highly. During vacation, his father sent him to an informal artist in the neighborhoo...
Isaac Opoku Badu is an African artist born and raised in The name. He started drawing and painting in a very tender age through his parents who regarded art very highly. During vacation, his father sent him to an informal artist in the neighborhood to observe and learn from him. He carried along his colored pencils and notebook. The artist, who he called Azey, would had him a picture to try to create the same image. When he finished, he did take the time to make the necessary corrections with him. These vacation artist visits became a norm throughout his basic education level. He was educated at A.M.E. Zion primary and junior high school, Kumasi. He also studied at college of art and Industry, Kumasi and specialized in painting. While he was in school, he won several prizes in painting competitions. He paints mainly in oil and acrylic on canvas. Paintings are usually characterized by rich colors, textures, lines and planes which tend to suggest movement in the images in the pictures. His style creates certains impressions in the mind of the observer. The themes of Isaac's works are often to do with people, animals and places. Such as interaction between people in groups, townscapes, market scenes, animals and their dwellings. However, he was mainly interested in animals, especially wildlife and birds. He says, what excites me about wildlife and birds is their courageous attitude, the way they care for their young ones, their facial expression and the movement of their bodies and hands when they are hunting is very pleasing to him. His scenes also portray the social, political and economic life of the people. Isaac's is a nationally recognized artist who creates exceptional likeness. His works are treasured by many and can be found in some of the galleries in Ghana. He has sold many Paintings, private and exhibitions, within and outside Ghana.
Curriculum Vitae
View AllBorn in 1983 in Kumasi, Ghana. Currently residing in Kumasi.