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Peggy auctions here, there, and everywhere.

Every single sale on Peggy is an auction. 

But, what does that mean? 

Well, Peggy doesn’t use a traditional e-commerce model. We use asking prices and offers to ensure artists, sellers, and buyers benefit from the sale and resale of art on Peggy.

So, whether you’re hosting an art fair, a fundraiser, an actual auction, or are looking for a digital platform to sell your gallery's works, Peggy is for you.

Oh, and it won’t cost you a penny.

Connect with the Auctions team.


Everyone is welcome at Peggy.

There’s a whole community of collectors, artists, and galleries out there who want to be part of the art world. Peggy welcomes them by including them in everything the art world offers.

Pegcasts, Peggy’s podcast for the constantly curious, give the artists behind the art and the gallerists who share it, a new medium to tell their stories.

Pegboards are phone-sized galleries of all the art you love, want, and already have. They help track the value of your art, connect with and support your favourite artists, and group the art you own (and the art you would love to own) however we like.

If you’re part of the Peggy community, you’re encouraged to leave comments, share your stories, and engage with the art world. 

Peggy was made to bring everyone closer to the art, artists, and galleries of the world.

It’s art. It’s meant for everyone.

We believe a more transparent art world means a more accessible art world. 

Peggy was made to bring everyone closer to the art, artists, and galleries of the world. 

Peggy was built on transparent pricing structures, detailed artwork descriptions, vetted artists, and authenticated artwork so everyone feels comfortable buying and selling to their heart’s, or wall’s, content. 

Plus, Peggy AI is like a trusted art friend in your pocket. Here to guide you through the ins and outs of the art world.
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Avatars from people in the Peggy community

Art in every hand.

Peggy isn’t just another app to scroll through unattainable art. It’s a digital door into the art world for the next generation of collectors to look at, learn about, buy, and even sell art. 

Compatibility with iOS and Android devices.

The Peggy community can participate in auctions from anywhere.  

The Peggy app is entirely stand-alone, so members can manage their accounts on the go.

Previous auctions on Peggy

Property 1=Black
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A safe space to learn.

We use a secure payment gateway to ensure the safety and integrity of every transaction so buyers and sellers can buy and sell art confidently.

Funds are held in escrow.

Peggy’s digital fingerprint technology ensures that the art you buy and sell is the real deal. 


Auctions you can find.

An easy-to-navigate auction tab allows collectors to browse, bid, and participate easily.

Our search filters, clear bidding instructions, streamlined payments, popcorn bidding activity, and friendly AI are all here whenever and wherever you need them.


How auctions work on Peggy.

We work hard to make things easier for you. 
  1. You submit an auction form. 
  2. We’ll reach out to book an intro call. 
  3. We chat about and assess the scope of your auction. 
  4. An agreement is signed.
  5. The pre-auction phase begins. (Emails to artists and attendees, photographing the artwork, etc.) 
  6. The auction phase begins. 
  7. The auction closes and the post-auction phase starts.
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Collecting made easy, on Peggy

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Museum-quality Art

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Peggy for Galleries

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